Nexsel Tech



Accelerating Cotton Breeding through Speed Breeding Techniques

Introduction: Cotton is an essential crop worldwide, used as a raw material for the textile industry and other products. However, cotton’s productivity is affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses, such as insect pests, diseases, drought and high temperatures. Breeding programs have played a vital role in enhancing cotton productivity and quality. Speed Breeding is […]

speed breeding


Speed Breeding for Crop Improvement

In conventional plant breeding, after making crosses between desired parents, selection and screening for the desired traits along with generation advancement of the selected material is time consuming and thus 8-10 years are required for development of new variety. This slow improvement rate is attributed partly to the long generation times of crop plants. To […]

india Double Haploid Lighting Solution


Double Haploid Lighting Solution for Hot Pepper

The optimization of plant growth conditions is essential to improving crop yield and enhancing sustainability in the agricultural industry.

Benefits of speed breeding for Indian Crops


Benefits of speed breeding for Indian Crops

In the face of a rapidly expanding global population and escalating threats to crop yields, the agricultural community is turning to innovative solutions to meet the ever-growing demand for food.

india Speed Breeding techniques


Speed Breeding Techniques and Equipment

Speed breeding is a plant breeding technique that uses controlled environments, optimal lighting conditions & other techniques to accelerate the growth and development of plants, leading to multiple generations in a single year.

india Challenges Of Speed Breeding


The Challenges of Speed Breeding

Speed breeding has emerged as a groundbreaking crop improvement technique, presenting opportunities and challenges for horticultural lighting

india Speed Breeding Solutions


Speed Breeding Solutions for New users

As we communicate with breeders who are interested in speed breeding, we receive numerous questions from them. Over the past six years, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) from new users and provided our own answers.

india okra


Speed Breeding of a Short-Day Crop – Okra

Developing crop varieties typically involves a lengthy generation time to allow for the formation of homozygous lines after hybridization. With the conventional approach,

india Grow Chambers


Grow chambers for Rapid Plant Generation

Rapid plant generation is process of accelerating the growth and development of plants. There are several tools and techniques used to achieve rapid plant generation.

india speed breeding


Important parameters of speed breeding

Speed breeding is tool for rapid plant generation. Speed breeding just not about artificial light or modifying photoperiod. Artificial light plays important role in speed breeding

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    Nexsel is a research-driven horticultural lighting manufacturer that provides LED grow lights for biotech and horticulture purposes.

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