Nexsel Tech

india Supplemental Lights

Supplemental lights for greenhouse

india Supplemental Lights 2
What is supplemental light?
Supplementary lighting is an artificial lighting source used in green house to get sufficient
light quantity and quality. Supplemental lighting extends the hours in a day.
Do we require supplemental light in green house?
Greenhouse requires certain amount of lights for particular time period depends on plants,
if this can’t be done naturally then we have to provide supplementary lighting.
Supplemental lighting is the use of multiple, hight intensity light source to promote plant
Supplemental lighting is used in greenhouses to increase crop production during time
periods with low levels of solar radiation. These time periods usually occur during the
winter months and during the cloudy time in rainy season.
For long day plants sometimes, we have to give very low light intensity for longer duration
such type of lighting is called photo- periodic lighting.
How to calculate supplemental lights?
Supplemental light: Plant lighting requirement (DLI) – Available DLI from sunlight

Types of supplemental lights : 

  • Incandescent Bulbs
  • Fluorescent Lamps
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps
  • Metal Halide (MH)
  • High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
  • Lighting Emitting Diode 

Incandescent Bulbs

  • Fluorescent Lamps
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps
  • Metal Halide (MH)
  • High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
  • Lighting Emitting Diode
  • Greenhouse Supplemental Lighting
  • Supplemental Lighting
  • LED Supplemental lighting
  • Supplemental lights in India
  • Supplemental grow lights
  • PAR Lights
  • LED PAR Light

#GreenhouseSupplementalLighting #Supplementallighting #LEDsupplemnetallighting #supplementallightsinindia #supplementalgrowlights @PARlights

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Our main products : Hydroponics grow light, tissue culture grow light , speed breeding, LED grow lights,  They feature with Energy Saving, Long Lifetime, Environment Friendly

Design & Developed By VBTEK

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    Nexsel is a research-driven horticultural lighting manufacturer that provides LED grow lights for biotech and horticulture purposes.

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